Thursday, October 24
7-9 pm - Opening Healing Mass and Veneration of his Relic (and light refreshments)
Friday, October 25
2-3 pm - Day Prayer and Veneration
Saturday, October 26
10-11 am - Morning Prayer and Veneration
Monday, October 28
2-3 pm - Day Prayer and Veneration
4:30-5 pm & 6:30-7 pm - Day Prayer and Veneration (With Faith Formation classes)
7-8 pm - Evening Prayer and Veneration
Tuesday, October 29
2 pm - Closing Mass
Why do we venerate saints?
By reading about them and visiting where they lived and seeing their relics, we can understand and value their legacy and their importance as instruments of God.
"He is not God of the dead, but of the living..." (Mark 12:27)
We ask canonized saints to intercede for us because we know they are already in heaven. Just as you would ask a friend or family member to pray for you, it makes sense that we could ask a saint to pray for us. Death does not stop Christians from praying for one another. This is what it means to be joined in the "Communion of Saints," which is a communion of the souls on earth with the souls in heavenly glory. We are united with one another in the mystical Body of Christ.
Reasons to turn to the saints:
They are of our same nature; they were weak like us, and they know, through their own life experiences, our needs, sufferings, and limitations. They were ordinary people who did extraordinary things. They are our role models.
God wants to make his saints honored on earth, where they served Him and where they lived and died, so He enables them to hear our prayers and pray on our behalf.
Their words and example of a holy life help to point us toward heaven; they deserve our gratitude and reverence.
God continuously grants miracles and favors through the intercession of the saints, for they are still serving as instruments of God to confer graces on men.
We aren't praying to the dead. The saints are alive! Yes, their souls are separated from their bodies temporarily until the final Resurrection, but the Church reminds us that when our earthly lives have ended, our souls are still very much alive.
Here are a few more quick - but good articles about the practice of venerating relics
PS Also attached is the ad from the parish bulletin if you want to share it with your family and friends. :)