It is hard to believe but Christmas is just around the corner. Beginning
the weekend of November 4th and 5th banners with gift tags have been placed around the perimeter of the Church. The tags will have the suggested gift with the sex of the child/adult, size, and any other specifics.
Please follow these directions:
Remove the tag with the particular gift you would like to purchase.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding a specific tag please feel free to contact the Parish Center.
Purchase the gift/wrap unless otherwise stated Not To Wrap (Gift Bags are Acceptable)
Return the gift the following week if possible to Church or to the Parish Center.
Please check the tag for the return date, it is extremely important that you return them by the date requested. This allows the organizations we assist to be able to pick them up in a timely fashion for their Christmas events.
St. Joan of Arc thanks you for your continued generosity and wish you all a very blessed Advent and Christmas.