We are looking for a few "Good Men and/or Women" to serve as Vincentians. Our mission is to assist those less fortunate. We need volunteers who feel a calling to help others and who are available during the day or early evening to make home visits when necessary. Our present team of men and women will assist with training and specific classes relating to client home visitations. Vincentians always do client home visits by two. Conference meetings are held twice a month; on the second and fourth Monday of the month beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center building. These meetings have a three-fold purpose: fellowship, prayer and review of any client cases we may have encountered since our previous meeting.
There are many needy people in our local community that we can serve. Imagine being able to be a light in a dark world. That's what we are. Vincentians are a gateway to families experiencing burdens and/or difficulties. Our mission is to help smooth the rough times just as St. Vincent DePaul and Blessed Frederick Ozanam did centuries ago. Since originally begun, the Society is now world-wide.
Please consider joining our team. We would be most happy to meet with you and explore further, any questions you might have.
Further information is available to anyone interested. Call Parish Center at (586) 777-3670 and Vincentian will return your call.