St. Joan of Arc Parish Health Ministry
In Partnership With St. John Health System
Mary Kuznia - Parish Nurse
Parish Nursing Mission
The mission of Parish Nursing is the intentional integration of the practice of faith with the practice of nursing so that people can achieve wholeness in, with and through the community of faith in which parish nurses serve.
The St. Joan of Arc Parish Health Ministry Team was formed in May 2008 when a group of parishioners made up of active or retired healthcare professionals voluntarily came together to begin a mission. The mission was to provide and promote health information, to support those with chronic health problems, and to encourage healthy lifestyles among all parishioners. St. John Health and St. Joan of Arc Parish became Faith Community Partners at this time. Later that year, two parishioners who are active and practicing Registered Nurses, completed a formal Parish Nurse Preparation Course offered through the University of Detroit McAuley School of Nursing. Thus, the leader of the Health Ministry Team at SJA is the Parish Nurse. Specific roles of the Parish Nurse are Health Educator, Personal Health Counselor, Referral Agent, Volunteer Facilitator, Support Group Developer, Health Advocate and Integrator of faith, health, and healing of mind, body, and soul. The Health Ministry Team meets the second Thursday of each month at 7pm in the Family and Youth Center.
Services Available
Health Screenings: Blood Pressure measuring after masses monthly
Educational Seminars on a variety of health related topics for all ages
Home Visits & Nursing Home Visits to sick, homebound, lonely, elderly parishioners for prayer, Eucharist distribution, health counseling, and companionship.
Health Related Articlesprinted in weekly church bulletin
Music Therapy Events
Walking Club: meet weekly to walk 1, 2, or 3 mile routes to promote healthy physical, social, spiritual fitness
Annual Flu Vaccinations provided by VNA (Visiting Nurse Assn)
Resources Available
Medical Equipment Loan Closet: We have collected a variety of donated equipment available for borrowing including:
Shower Chairs
Also, a large supply of adult diapers is available for distribution
First Aid Kits provided and maintained at key locations on the parish grounds for injuries occurring on parish property
Incident/Accident Reportingand follow up for parishioners or guests injured while on parish property