"G” Doesn’t Stand for Grace: If you ever wondered what the “G” stood for in my name, the real answer is George. I still find people who are amazed to learn that Michael is my middle name. But last Saturday, someone declared from the pew, “Well, we know the ‘G’ doesn’t stand for Grace! Let me explain.
Before the “real” story, I need to offer a prequel. It was the day before last Saturday and I was out at my sister’s house in Allenton getting to a project that has been on “THE LIST” for eons. That project was to install security cameras on the property. Given the nature of the project, I was up and down ladders and climbing over things throughout the evening. But, I was VERY cautious so I wouldn’t fall or get hurt. The last thing I needed was to get hurt this close to the Festival. I was quite delighted driving home because I realized I concluded the project without a single incident. All was good.
Now to the real story. On Saturday morning, we had our concluding mass of the school year for our Exceptional Needs Program. Mass started off without a hitch. I ascended the altar steps but got focused on Mary Cal, the director of our Exceptional Needs Program, walking with Tommy who was the lone brave altar server. I kissed the altar as the congregation was singing with great gusto the opening hymn (to get the full affect here you need to sing the italicized parts of the song in your head as your read the article),
“Jesus Christ is ris’n today, Alleluia!” I kissed the altar and continued singing,
“Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia.” I remember standing back up and focusing on Mary and Tommy as they moved to a different pew. As I focused on them, I continued walking but totally forgot about the three steps that came next. Needless to say, I took a big tumble and landed on the ground. No one in the congregation stopped, they just continued to sing:
“Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss, Alleluia!” As they sang, I found myself flat on the floor. I sat there for a minute trying to figure out if I hurt anything.
“Hymns of praise then let us sing. Alleluia! Unto Christ, our heav’nly King, Alleluia.” I remember looking up at the congregation and I caught sight of a few people who looked up for maybe a nanosecond to see what the big thud was all about but they just continued singing,
“Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save, Alleluia!” “HELLO, the old pastor is on the ground and isn’t moving,” I thought to myself. “Is ANYONE going to help me?”
“But the pains which he endured, Alleluia.” “Okay, funny Lord. Could SOMEONE come to help me?”
“Our salvation have procured; Alleluia!” I loved it that people were glued to their hymnal, but folks I was sprawled out on the sanctuary floor. “Hello. Earth calling the SJA community. The Pastor is down!” I was feeling really old! I made it through all of my Friday Do-It-Yourself activities without a hitch but I took a tumble in my own church forgetting three simple (but important) steps.
“Now above the sky he’s King, Alleluia! Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia!” “Good heavens, maybe if they run out of verses they’d actually notice me.” I slowly got up and realized the only thing that hurt was my knee which is what I landed on. I regained my balance and decided to do what everyone else was doing, I continued to sing.
“Sing we to our God above, Alleluia! Praise eternal as his love; Alleluia!” I checked my vestments to make sure I didn’t ruin anything. I then tried to put myself together before I slowly and carefully walked over to my chair. “Praise him, now his might confess, Alleluia!” Since no one seemed to know what happened, I decided I would break the news to them if they ever stopped singing so they would know why I was suddenly limping. Thank heavens we have security cameras in church because I feared no one would ever believe me that all of this happened. But one thing was for certain, they really loved the text of that great hymn and NOTHING was going to stop them from singing! After seeing Dr. Nicholas and getting some x-rays taken, I learned nothing was broken or damaged; the knee was just bruised.
“Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia!” No, “G” doesn’t stand for Grace.
Festival Countdown: Please keep the festival in your prayers! May everyone be safe! May we have lots of people! May we have beautiful and warm weather (remember to keep those prayers going)! May the 50th Annual SJA Spring Festival be a GREAT success!
Please remember: 1) no one under the age of 18 will be allowed onto the property after 6:00 p.m. unless they are accompanied
by an adult who will be required to show a valid driver’s license or state issued identification card; 2) no backpacks will be allowed anytime throughout the weekend (baby and/or diaper bags will be allowed but your normal backpacks will not); 3) the admissions charge is $2 per adult, $1 per child (5 and under are free). For the latest festival news visit www.sjascs.org/festival!
Festival Volunteers Still Needed: We still need plenty of volunteers to work the various areas of the festival. If you are interested in helping in any area, please visit our festival volunteer homepage at https://www.sjascs.org/festivalvolunteering.
Happy Mother’s Day: As we celebrate this special day dedicated to mothers, we take a moment to thank and pray for our own mother who gave us life and showed us love. We pray for mothers who lost a child through death that they may continually turn to their faith to find hope and assurance their child is in the loving arms of the eternal Father. We also pray for women, who for a variety of reasons and circumstances, are not granted the grace to be a mother but who show forth their mothering characteristics in the ways they care for the children they come in contact with.
Elsewhere in the bulletin, you’ll find the now famous
Beatitudes of a Mother by Fr. Rich. Consider sharing and/or reading Fr. Rich’s great work at your Mother’s Day gathering! A link to download a PDF copy of
Beatitudes of a Mother can also be found on the home page of our parish website.
Enjoy the week. Know of my prayers. Happy Mother’s Day!