Join us for this fun, interactive workshop designed to help you BFF (Begin Finding Friends) and add more fabulous people to your life! We all have the "common thread" of SJA running through us so why not get to know one another just a little bit more?
When we are school moms we volunteer for things and sometimes our experiences with one another begin and end there. When we are older our friends from high school and college may have drifted away and that once "big pool" of others to talk to and do activities with can lessen. Maybe you or someone you know is new to the area? Then why not join us, have some fun and potentially make a new friend or two?
This event is open to the public and women of ALL ages because we believe you can NEVER have too many friends in your life and the more varied they are, the more interesting your life can be. This event sponsored by St. Joan of Arc School on Wednesday, March 4th from 7-9 PM.
E-mail us to register at
[email protected] or call Jennifer Raybaud at 586.491.8969